Clients who trust us. Find out more.
Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne
With this letter, we would like to provide references to Prografix with headquarters: Dębica (Poland), for professional performance of print orders during the last three years.
Cooperation with Prografix features experience, efficient operation and professional team. We recommend Prografix for cooperation to other organizations.
MAC Group S.A.
With this letter, we would like to provide references to Prografix with headquarters: Dębica (Poland), for professional performance of print orders during the last two years. Cooperation with Prografix features efficient operation and reliability.
Since 2017, the magazine for girls Kosmos, as the first on the Polish market, uses the possibility of personalizing covers in its marketing strategy. This is possible thanks to the technology and capabilities of Prografix. Having a good experience of cooperation, in 2020 we also printed a Moonka book in a hardcover here.
I really appreciate the kindness, care, quality of Prografix, as well as the way of working with people from this company. I am very impressed with the attention paid to the smallest production detail – from the choice of paper, through the headband, and the matching of colors. At Prografix, printing is teamwork that contributes to a great end result.
I recommend working with Prografix to both organizations that enter the market and need friendly guidance as well as experienced professionals looking for excellent quality and a partner always ready to talk – what we can do even better.

DEC Poland Tekpro Sp. z o.o.
We are very pleased with the quality of the company notebooks made by Prografix. Products are strongly ‘custom-made’ and meet our requirements. Cooperation and project implementation was very smooth and nice WearCo
We have been cooperating with Prografix since 2015. The company offers high quality of products, favorable prices, professional customer and comprehensive services.

Yves Rocher
The course of our cooperation and its effects so far: high-quality printing, personalization with all security rules regarding database processing, as well as reliability and timeliness have gained our recognition.
The company’s employees are professional, and they provide advice (also in the scope of cost optimization), they are always up to the task, regardless of the time allocated for the implementation and design of the project. They also worked well in crisis situations.

Provident Polska S.A.
During the many years of cooperation, we have come to rely on the commitment and effectiveness of Prografix Sp. z o.o. Their creativity and innovation following the latest trends on the market, should also be emphasized.
Prografix is a company open to the Customer, in which professional teams always try to meet the most unusual and difficult requirements.

The company offers high quality services. Their work has always been very satisfactory for me. I have not come across any problems during the implementation of any of the projects. There were no unexpected situations regarding the cost of execution, work or finished product. Projects were always implemented on time.
Our cooperation with Prografix has always been extremely professional. The company offers the highest level of implementation of works agreed on, and contact persons try to adapt solutions to the Customer’s expectations. The quality of printing of the materials ordered was definitely satisfying, especially the quality of applied refinements. Prografix’s employees are professionals who provide advice and assistance in the selection of the best solutions, ensuring that the final appearance of the product does not raise any objections.

“Computec Media erteilt Prografix seit mehreren Jahren regelmäßig diverse Druckauftrage.
Im Wesentlichen geht es um personalisierte Kundenkarten und Zusatzprodukte für unsere Magazine wie Poster, Booklets oder sonstige Beilagen.
Die Firma Prografix ist ein ausgesprochen zuverlässiger Partner, mit einem professionellen, mehrsprachigen Kundenservice.
Zudem zeichnen sie sich durch hohe Flexibilität, günstige Preise und einem breiten Spektrum an Möglichkeiten aus.”
Martin Clossman – Computec Media GmbH

Poczta Polska
“Prografix Sp z.o.o. is a company worth recommending. They demonstrate high reliability in the performance of commissioned tasks, flexibility and availability at every stage of the contract. We assess the services rendered as professional, their performance is at the highest level, and the implementation is always on time. Thanks to this approach, we have built lasting relationships based on mutual respect and trust. We will entrust subsequent orders with pleasure and certainty of their implementation to Prografix Sp. z o.o.”

Tarsago Polska Sp. z o.o.
With this letter we would like to provide references to Prografix, which during ongoing cooperation since 2014 in the field of printing and personalization for Tarsego Polska, has demonstrated professionalism both in the sphere of quality and timeliness of services rendered.
Excellent work organization in the field of customer service is also noteworthy. Competence, full employee engagement and perfect technical support in the implementation of subsequent orders has enabled us to perceive Prografix as a partner that treats its obligations towards the Customer appropriately.
We highly recommend Prografix as a trustworthy partner, providing its services professionally and reliably.

Laurens Coster Sp. z o.o.
“For us PGX is a synonym of uncompromising quality as well as a source of technological inspiration. We haven’t met anyone else who knows so much about variable data printing. Their modern machine park and fundamental principles of data processing mean that we entrust the most difficult orders to them.”

Śnieżka SA
“Work with PGS means reliable and comprehensive high-quality services.”

“Since March 26, 2018, Prografix S.A. has been providing services in terms of printing and enveloping documents for ULTIMO S.A. Services are performed with due diligence and commitment, and the employees are open to the needs of our company. Services provided by Prografix S.A. meet the expectations of ULTIMO S.A. We recommend the supplier as a reliable and flexible partner.”

Hubert Krenn Krenn VerlagsgesmbH
“Seit kurzer Zeit ist Prografix in Dębica einer unser Partner in der Buchproduktion.
Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der Abwicklung der Druckaufträge, der persönlichen Betreuung und der Kommunikation.
Unabhängig der Größe der Aufträge fühlt man sich willkommen und gut aufgehoben.
Wir freuen uns über die Zusammenarbeit und den zuverlässigen neuen Partner.”
Hubert Krenn- Hubert Krenn Verlag

“Long-term cooperation with Prografix confirms the quality of products and services, commitment, professionalism, comprehensiveness, flexibility and timeliness. The high level of services provided allows us to provide Prografix with the best references and we can recommend them to their future business partners.”

Fundacja DKMS
“Firmę Prografix znamy od 2017 roku. W tym czasie współpracowaliśmy głównie nad wysyłkami fundraisingowymi. Dzięki listom, które wydrukował i wysłał dla nas Prografix, dotarliśmy do naszych wspaniałych Dawców i Darczyńców. Te nasze listy przyniosły wiele dobrego.
Wszystkie fundraisingowe kampanie firma Prografix realizowała w sposób profesjonalny i dopasowany do potrzeb naszej organizacji. Wiemy, że Zespół Prografix’u rozumiepotrzeby organizacji pozarządowych, a także potrzeby naszej organizacji. „Ludzie Prografix’u” są profesjonalni, elastyczni i serdeczni. Lubimy się – a to znacznie ułatwia nam pracę, która niemal zawsze odbywa się pod dużą presją czasu.
Mamy nadzieję, że w przyszłości czeka nas jeszcze wiele ważnych wiadomości i listów, które uda nam się wspólnie z Prografixem wysłać w świat.”